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Default referral code will be utilised if field is left empty.","commission":"Commission","confirm":"Confirm","create_custom_referral_link":"Customized Code","create_custom_referral_link_remark":"You can create custom referral links that will redirect users to the page of your choice.","createsuccess":"Your new custom referral link has been created.","custom_referral_link":"Custom Referral Link","custom_referral_link_title":"Custom Referral Link Title","custom_referral_link_title_remark":"Give your custom referral link a title for ease of reference.","custom_short_link":"Custom Short Link","custom_url":"Custom URL","destination_link":"Destination Link","earnings_all_coins":"All Coins","earnings_complete_transaction":"Withdrawal History","earnings_estimated_balance":"Estimated Balance (All Tokens)","earnings_title":"My Earnings","earnings_title_tooltip":"USDT conversion rates are updated at intervals and may not be indicative of real-time value","earnings_view_all_coins":"View All Coins","enter_your_bybit__url_here":"Enter your Bybit URL here.","invite_anonymously":"Invite Anonymously","learn_about_commission_tiers":"Learn About Commission Tiers","linktitleerr":"Please input link title.","my_commission_tier":"My Commission Tier","my_custom_referral_links":"My Custom Referral Links","myDashboard":"My Dashboard","MyPerformance":"My Performance","only_bybit_urls_are_supported":"Only Bybit URLs are supported.","operate":"Operate","Overview":"Overview","payment":"Payment","pending":"pending","pending_approval":"Pending Approval","profits_from_your_clients_trades":"Profits From Your Clients' Trades","Promotions":"Promotions","recent_transactions":"Recent Transactions","redirect_your_users_to":"Redirect Your Users To:","referral_code":"Referral Code","referral_code_manage":"Manage","referral_code_tip":"Give your Referral Code and Link some personality by customizing it!","referral_invite_link":"Referral Link","referral_redirection_link":"Custom Referral Link & Redirection Link","referralcodeshover":"Custom referral codes should not contain only integers or exceed 20 characters.","referrallinkerr":"Please input custom referral link.","sign_up_tip":"Personalize your sign-up page (where your referral link leads) to boost your registration rate by 20%!","signup_page":"Signup Page","status":"Status","statushover1":"Newly created custom referral links require the approval of your BD representative.","statushover2":"While new updates are pending approval, the original details (referral code etc.) of the referral link will still be active and valid for use.","tip_ok":"Okay","title":"Title & ID","updataerr":"Please ensure that all relevant fields have been filled prior to saving.","updateInfo":"Do you want to save changes?","updatesuccess":"Your changes have been saved.","upgrade_to_next_tier":"Upgrade to Next Tier","view_balance_btn":"View Balance","withdrawal":"Withdrawal","your_sub_affiliates_earnings":"Your Sub-Affiliates' Earnings"},"DBApril":{"byfivoucher":"Byfi Voucher","columnhead2":"Affiliate Users Bonus","columnhead3":"Normal Users Bonus","depositedAmount1":"*Users must make a deposit of ≥ $500 worth of tokens within 7 days of campaign registration to be entitled to the Bonus.","rulesContent1":"1. The event is open to the first 300 unique affiliates.","rulesContent2":"2. Only new Principal Traders who fulfill the tasks during the event period will be eligible for the calculation of Rewards 2 and 3.","rulesContent3":"3. Rewards will be counted and distributed by Sep. 30, 2022.\nThe affiliate's 10% reward is given directly from Bybit. It is not deducted from Principal Traders' earnings derived from their followers. ","rulesContent4":"4. The total prize pool for the Reward 3 (Earn 10% of the invited principals earnings) is $30,000. Rewards will be given out on a first come first served basis. ","rulesContent5":"5. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engages in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account link submissions to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purposes.","rulesContent6":"6. Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event.","rulesContent7":"7. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engage in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account registrations to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purpose.","rulesContent8":"8. Only the following assets are counted as eligible deposits for this event: BTC, ETH, BIT, USDT, XRP, DOGE, DOT, EOS, LTC, XLM, 1INCH, AAVE, ADA, AGLD, ALGO, AMP, ANKR, ATOM, AVA, AVAX, AXS, BAT, BCH, BICO, BNT, BOBA, C98, CAKE, CBX, CEL, CHZ, COMP, CRV, CWAR, DASH, DYDX, ENJ, ENS, FIL, FTM, FTT, GAL, GALA, GENE, GM, GODS, GRT, HOT, ICP, IMX, INSUR, JASMY, KLAY, KMA, KRL, KSM, LDO, LFW, LINK, LRC, LUNA, MANA, MATIC, MKR, NEXO, NU, OMG, ONE, PERP, PSP, PTU, QNT, REN, RNDR, SAND, SHIB, SHILL, SIS, SLP, SNX, SOL, SPELL, SRM, STETH, SUSHI, TEL, TRIBE, TRVL, UMA, UNI, USDC, WAVES, WEMIX, WOO, XEM, XTZ, XYM, YFI, ZRX.","rulesContent9":"9. Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event.","title":"Deposit Blast Off April Campaign"},"depositblastoff":{"campaignPeriod":"Campaign Period","campaignPeriodDate":null,"clients":"Client(s)","contributors":"Total Counted","contributorsTip":null,"day":"Day(s)","depositedAmount":"*Only users signed up with affiliate link will be able to get 3.5% of deposited amount","desc1":"Earn 10 USDT for Every Client who ","desc2":"Makes a $500 First Time Deposit","distributedDesc":"To be issued on Dec. 10","earnedTotalTip":null,"earnTitle":"My Rewards","hour":"Hour(s)","link":"Share my affiliate link","min":"Min(s)","rulesContent1":"1. You will receive 10 USDT for every eligible client who participates in Deposit Blast-Off campaign.\n","rulesContent2":"2. Rewards will be distributed on Dec. 10, 2021.\n","rulesContent3":"3. Your clients' eligible deposits will be calculated as follows: total deposits in eligible asset types (including those purchased) - total withdrawal amount during the campaign period. ","rulesContent4":"4. Users signed up with affiliate link will get 3.5% bonus of the deposited amount (while direct users will only receive 3% bonus, hence, extra 0.5% for your users).","rulesContent5":"5. Only users who have not made their first deposit on Bybit are eligible for this event.","rulesContent6":"6. Users must register using the \"Register Now\" button above and make their deposits within seven (7) days for their deposits to be considered in the calculation for their reward. Any deposits made after this timeframe will not be considered in calculation for the reward.","rulesContent7":"7. Users' eligible deposits will be calculated as follows: Total Deposits in Eligible Assets (including those purchased) - Any Amount Withdrawn During Campaign Period.","rulesContent8":"8. Only the following assets are counted as eligible deposits for this event: BTC, ETH, BIT, USDT, XRP, DOGE, DOT, EOS, LTC, XLM, AAVE, AXS, CHZ, COMP, DYDX, LINK, MANA, MKR, SUSHI, UNI, YFI","rulesContent9":"9. Eligible deposits will be calculated based on the price of the eligible asset(s) at the time of deposit. If users deposit more than one eligible asset, the reward will be calculated based on the total eligible deposits. (edited) \n\n","rulesTitle":"Terms & Conditions","sec":"Sec(s)","title":"Deposit Blast-Off","totalEarned":"Total Earned","totalEarns":"View your USDT rewards in:"},"depositblastoffReload":{"distributedDesc":"To be issued on Jan. 17","rulesContent2":"2. Rewards will be distributed on Jan. 17, 2022.\n","rulesContent8":"8. Only the following assets are counted as eligible deposits for this event: BTC, ETH, BIT, USDT, XRP, DOGE, DOT, EOS, LTC, XLM, 1INCH, AAVE, ADA, AGLD, ALGO, AMP, ANKR, ATOM, AVA, AVAX, AXS, BAT, BCH, BICO, BNT, BOBA, C98, CAKE, CBX, CEL, CHZ, COMP, CRV, CWAR, DASH, DYDX, ENJ, ENS, FIL, FTM, FTT, GAL, GALA, GENE, GM, GODS, GRT, HOT, ICP, IMX, INSUR, JASMY, KLAY, KMA, KRL, KSM, LDO, LFW, LINK, LRC, LUNA, MANA, MATIC, MKR, NEXO, NU, OMG, ONE, PERP, PSP, PTU, QNT, REN, RNDR, SAND, SHIB, SHILL, SIS, SLP, SNX, SOL, SPELL, SRM, STETH, SUSHI, TEL, TRIBE, TRVL, UMA, UNI, USDC, WAVES, WEMIX, WOO, XEM, XTZ, XYM, YFI, ZRX.","title":"Deposit Blast-Off: Reloaded"},"DepositJune":{"depositedAmount1":"Users who go through direct channel can only get up to 3000 USDT bonus.","desc1":"Exclusive for Affiliated users:","desc2":"Your referred users can get up to 4000 USDT bonus!","rulesContent1":"1. 4000 USDT bonus applies for eligible affiliated users who deposit 100,000 USDT and trade 2M USDT volume.","rulesContent2":"2. Eligible users are users who have not completed their first-time deposit on Bybit, register for the campaign, and make their first-time deposit during the campaign.","rulesContent3":"3. Users must register via affiliate's link, deposit and claim their rewards at Bybit's Rewards Hub to officially participate.","rulesContent4":"4. Deposit rewards will be automatically distributed to eligible users' Rewards Hub after the 3-day risk-monitoring period ends. Users will have to manually claim their rewards from the Rewards Hub.","rulesContent5":"5. Please refer to Campaign Terms and Conditions page for full details.","rulesContent6":"6. All participating users must abide by Bybit Terms of Service.","rulesContent7":"7. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engage in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account registrations to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purpose.","rulesContent8":"8. Only the following assets are counted as eligible deposits for this event: BTC, ETH, BIT, USDT, XRP, DOGE, DOT, EOS, LTC, XLM, 1INCH, AAVE, ADA, AGLD, ALGO, AMP, ANKR, ATOM, AVA, AVAX, AXS, BAT, BCH, BICO, BNT, BOBA, C98, CAKE, CBX, CEL, CHZ, COMP, CRV, CWAR, DASH, DYDX, ENJ, ENS, FIL, FTM, FTT, GAL, GALA, GENE, GM, GODS, GRT, HOT, ICP, IMX, INSUR, JASMY, KLAY, KMA, KRL, KSM, LDO, LFW, LINK, LRC, LUNA, MANA, MATIC, MKR, NEXO, NU, OMG, ONE, PERP, PSP, PTU, QNT, REN, RNDR, SAND, SHIB, SHILL, SIS, SLP, SNX, SOL, SPELL, SRM, STETH, SUSHI, TEL, TRIBE, TRVL, UMA, UNI, USDC, WAVES, WEMIX, WOO, XEM, XTZ, XYM, YFI, ZRX.","rulesContent9":"9. Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event.","title":"Deposit Blast-Off"},"DepositOct":{"amount":"$$30,000","Callout1":"Earn via First Deposit","Callout2":"$$30,000 Rewards","Callout3":"Receive Bonus in Rewards Hub","CalloutDescription1":"Get users to earn bonus rewards simply by making deposits and trading!","CalloutDescription2":"Top Deposit Rewards in the market right now to offer your community","CalloutDescription3":"Users who complete requirements within 14 days will receive their bonus on Bybit's Rewards Hub!","CampaignDetails":"Campaign Details","MarketingBanner":"Deposit and Earn Up To $30,030 in Rewards!","PageSubtitle":"Exclusive to Bybit's affiliated users. Limited time only.","PageTitle":"Get Up to {money} when You Register, Deposit and Trade!","Rewards1":"Deposit $1000","Rewards2":"Deposit $3,000 & Trade $10,000","Rewards3":"Deposit $10,000 & Trade $50,000","Rewards4":"Deposit $20,000 & Trade $200,000","Rewards5":"Deposit $100,000 & Trade $15M","Rewards6":"Deposit $125,000 & Trade $50M","Rewards7":"Deposit $150,000 & Trade $75M","Rewards8":"Deposit $250,000 & Trade $150M","rulesContent1":"1. This campaign is only eligible for new users who sign up for a Bybit's account using an affiliate link.","rulesContent10":"10. Bybit bonuses can only be used for Perpetual and Futures contracts (Spot not included). Please refer to our Bonus Terms and Conditions page for more details.","rulesContent11":"11. All participating users must abide by Bybit Terms of Service.","rulesContent12":"12. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engage in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account registrations to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purpose.","rulesContent13":"13. Bybit reserves the right of final interpretation of this event. If you have any questions, please contact customer service.","rulesContent2":"2. Eligible users are users who have signed up for a Bybit account using an affiliate's link and made their first deposit in their Bybit account during the campaign period.","rulesContent3":"3. 30,000 USDT bonus applies to eligible affiliated users who deposit 250,000 USDT and trade 150M USDT volume.","rulesContent4":"4. Users must register via affiliate's link, deposit and claim their rewards at Bybit's Rewards Hub to officially participate.","rulesContent5":"5. Deposit rewards will be automatically distributed to eligible users' Rewards Hub after the 3-day risk-monitoring period ends. Users will have to manually claim their rewards from the Rewards Hub.","rulesContent6":"6. If a user withdraws any of their deposits within three (3) days after the 14-day deposit effective calculation period, they will automatically be disqualified.","rulesContent7":"7. Users have to meet the deposit and trading requirements within 14 days after receiving the task(s) in their Rewards Hub to be considered in the calculation for their reward. Any deposits made after this time frame will not be considered in calculation for the reward.","rulesContent8":"8. Users' net deposits will be calculated as follows: [Total Deposits in Eligible Assets (including those purchased) − Any Amount Withdrawn During Event Period]. Deposits include the following: Crypto Deposit, Bybit Express and P2P.","rulesContent9":"9. Only Derivatives trades will be considered in trading volume. Fiat deposits and Spot trades will not be counted toward users' Trading Volume.","time":"Nov. 7, 2022, 10AM UTC – Dec. 7, 2022, 10AM UTC","title":"Bybit Starter Rewards"},"duplicate":{"reset":"Reset","submit":"Submit"},"error":{"_-1":"-1: API error. Please contact your account manager.","_0":"Operation Successful","_10":"Please enter a valid Bybit UID in the previous step.","_10000":"Server error. Please try again later.","_100001":"Server error. Please try again later, or contact your Account Manager if the error persists.","_100002":"No matching record found in our database","_100003":"Unrecognized data in our database","_100004":"Network instability or ongoing system upgrade. Please try again later.","_100006":"To submit, you must answer all questions. ","_100008":"Long link include special characters","_100009001":"To ensure your account security, withdrawals will be disabled for 24 hours following any changes to your password, email address, mobile number, Google Authenticator settings, new address additions, or similar actions. ","_100009002":"Please check your email and provide the required information to our Customer Support team to successfully withdraw your funds.","_100009003":"For details on how to lift your withdrawal ban, please connect with our Customer Support team. ","_10001":"Server error. Please contact your account manager.","_10006":"Limit reached. Cannot visit more than three (3) times every 24 hours.","_10007":"Failed to retrieve IP address","_10016":"Server error","_10403":"Permission denied","_10404":"Abnormal account status","_20000":"Frequency limit","_200003":"The requested withdrawal amount exceeds your account balance.","_200004":"Withdrawals are temporarily disabled. If you require any assistance, please contact your Account Manager.","_200005":"You have exceed the daily limit of 10 exports per day. Please try again tomorrow.","_200007":"Logging in is restricted. Please contact your account manager if you require assistance.","_200008":"Please fill in a valid Bybit UID to proceed.","_200009":"Access denied.","_20001":"Parameter error","_20002":"Too frequent attempts","_200022":"Login temporarily disabled. Please contact your account manager for assistance.","_200023":"Your previous withdrawal request is still processing. Please wait for it to be completed before submitting another withdrawal request.","_200024":"We’ve found that you are a user of Bybit TR Affiliate Portal","_200024_sub":"Do you want to switch to Bybit TR Affiliate Portal and log in?","_200025":"We’ve found that you are a user of Bybit Türkiye Affiliate Portal","_200025_sub":"Do you want to switch to Bybit Türkiye Affiliate Portal and log in?","_20003":"UID has been registered.","_20004":"Email address has already been used. Please enter another email address.","_20005":"Email has been registered","_20006":"Application Already Under Review","_20007":"Please enter a valid Bybit User ID.","_20008":"Invalid Parent ID","_20009":"Verfication Code Error.","_20010":"Wrong password.","_20011":"Insufficient withdrawal amount","_20012":"Withdrawal failed","_20013":"google2fa code cannot be empty","_20014":"Google 2FA error. Try again later.","_20015":"Existing campaign.","_20016":"Cannot create more than 5 URLs","_20017":"Only 10 short URLs can be created every 24 hours. Please try again later.","_20018":"Subaccounts are not eligible for Affiliate applications.","_20019":"The source of the long URL has to be from Bybit","_20020":"Invalid short URL format, reference format: {urlPattern}","_20021":"Max. 20 characters.","_20022":"The code has already been taken.","_20023":"Profanity not allowed.","_20024":"The code has already been reserved. To use it, please contact your account manager.","_20030":"Short URL is either repetitive or has already been used. Please try another.","_20031":"Invalid customized text format, can only consist of number, alphabets and underscores.","_20032":"20032: Requires reCAPTCHA response","_20033":"20033: TYPE not found","_20034":"20034: Invalid TYPE","_20035":"20035: Invalid FROM","_20036":"Username required","_20037":"20037: Invalid password","_20038":"20038: Invalid new password","_20039":"20039: New Password does not match with Confirmed Password","_20040":"Tencent Captcha parameters not found.","_20041":"Google ReCaptcha parameterss not found.","_20042":"No email verification code found","_20043":"Code entered too many times, please re-acquire a new one.","_20044":"Invalid email verification code","_20045":"20045: You have already setup Google Authenticator for your account","_20046":"Verification timed out. Please refresh and try again.","_20047":"Failed to verify with Google Authenticator","_20048":"Please setup Google Authenticator first","_20049":"20049: Require Verification Code","_20050":"20050: Require From","_20051":"Failed to update password","_20052":"reCAPTCHA validation failed.","_20053":"Invalid Password","_20054":"Please enable Google Authenticator verification before changing password. ","_20055":"New email address is already in use.","_20056":"Daily export limit exceeded","_20057":"File Validation Failed","_20060":"Input URL should not contain 'zh-CN'.","_20061":"Withdrawals have been disallowed. Please reach out to customer service for more information.","_20062":"Invalid email address","_20063":"Close withdrawals with one click","_20102":"Submission limit","_20120":"BrokerID is not aligned with UID, please contact us.","_30100":"Log in state expired","_30101":"Wrong password","_30102":"Need to jump to the middle platform (for example: google2fa is not bound and needs to reset the password)","_30110":"Authentication successful","_50000":"Error: Campaign Name Exists","_50001":"Referral code already in use. Please enter another referral code.","_50002":"Error: Shortened Link Exists","_50003":"Error: Long Link Exists","_50004":"Error: Failed to Edit Anonymously","_50005":"Server Error: Deletion of Referral Code Failed","_50006":"Server Error: Failed to Amend Referral Code","_50007":"The number of referral codes cannot exceed the maximum limit of 20.","_50008":"Your referral code must include alphabets; please update.","_50009":"You have entered an invalid destination link. Please update your link. ","_50011":"Too many referral codes already been created.","_50012":"Too many short_links already been created.","_50503":"Request timeout. Please refresh the page and try again. ","_60000":"Description exceeds 750 characters limit.","_60002":"Emojis are not supported.","_60003":"Bundle not found.","_60004":"A bundle can only support up to six (6) tokens.","_60005":"Percentage composition should be between 10% to 100%.","_60006":"Total token composition does add up to 100%.","_60007":"You have already selected this token.","_60008":"Only up to five (5) bundles can be created.","_60009":"Bundle submission error.","_template":"Error message ({error_code}: {error_message})","_unknown":null,"applyFailed":"Something went wrong with your application.","retry":"Please try again later.","wrongVerificationCode":"Invalid verification code."},"errors":{"feedback":{"retry":"Error submitting feedback, please try again later."}},"ETH":{"ActivitiesToPromote":"ETH Activities to Promote","CampaignPeriod":"Event Period:","CampaignPeriodTime":"Sep 9, 2022 ,10AM UTC – Oct 07, 2022, 10AM UTC","CampaignTab":"ETH Season","EventRules":"Event Rules","EventRules_1":"1. ETH-related pairs in Bybit's ETH Trading Fiesta include: ETHUSDT, ETHUSD, ETHUSD0930, ETHUSD1230, ETCUSDT, ETH-Perp (USDC settled), LDOUSDT.","EventRules_2":"2. ETH Perpetual Airdrop and ETH Bybit Savings are only available for new Bybit users.","EventRules_3":"3. New users will have to deposit a total of 1,000 USDT within 7 days of signing up in order to receive the ETH Perpetual Airdrop.","EventRules_4":"4. New users can only deposit a minimum of 100 USD and maximum of 2,000 USD in order to be eligible for the ETH Bybit Savings promotion.","EventRules_5":"5. For more details on individual activities, users can learn more from the official pages with the \"Learn More\" button.","EventRules_6":"6. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engages in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account link submissions to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purposes.","EventRules_7":"7. Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event.","FirstActivityContent":"Share this link to promote Bybit's ETH Trading Fiesta","FirstActivityContent_1":"ETH Derivatives Trading Pairs","FirstActivityContent_2":"300,000 USDC prize pool","FirstActivityContent_3":"All Other Derivatives Trading Pairs","FirstActivityContent_4":"700,000 USDC prize pool","FirstActivityLearnMore":"Learn More","FirstActivitySubtitile":"Trade any Derivatives and unlock a prize pool of up to 1,000,000 USDC","FirstActivityTitle":"ETH Trading Competition","SecondActivityContent_1":"Deposit 1,000 USDT in your Derivatives account to recieve 1,000 ETHUSDT Perpetual Airdrop*","SecondActivityContent_2":"Limited Quantity Available","SecondActivityContent_3":"Share this link to promote Bybit's ETH Perpetual Airdrop","SecondActivityTitle":"ETH Perpetual Airdrop","Subtitle":"Win amazing rewards and prizes when you take part in our ETH activities!","ThirdActivityContent_1":"Earn a fixed 60% APR for 3 days*","ThirdActivityContent_2":"Limited Quantity Available","ThirdActivityContent_3":"Share this link to promote ETH Bybit Savings","ThirdActivityTitle":"ETH Bybit Savings","Tip_1":"Give a reason to trade: With the upcoming ETH Merge, there will be good trading opportunities for your community ","Tip_2":"Promote Bybit's ETH Campaign: During this time, Bybit has three ETH activities for your community to take part in. This includes a trading competition with a 1,000,000 USDC prize pool! ","Tip_3":"End with a Call to Action: Remember to tell your audience where they can find the link to get started. ","TipTitle":"Tips on Promoting to Boost Conversions","TipUsefuladvice":"Tip","Title":"ETH Season is Here!"},"ETP":{"affiliateId":"AFFILIATE ID","affiliateName":"AFFILIATE NAME","campaignPeriod":"Campaign Period","competitionRewards":"Competition Reward","contentTitle":"How To Win:","h5Rank":"RANK","invitedNewUsers":"INVITED NEW USERS","leaderboard":"Leaderboard Top 5 Rewards","leaderBoardTitle":"LEADERBOARD","period":"Sept. 1,2022,10AM UTC – Sept. 30,2022,10AM UTC","placeholder":"Enter your content link here","ranking":"Ranking","rankingTitle":"RANKING","rule1":"During the campaign, a new user is considered to be eligible when their leveraged token transaction is greater than 200 USDT.","rule2":"Affiliates have to invite a minimum of 50 eligible users in order to qualify for the rewards leaderboard.","rule3":"Only the affiliates who submit content links are considered qualified participants in the events.","rule4":"Rewards are equally split in the event where winners achieve the same number of invites. Rewards will be counted and distributed by 20th October 2022.","rule5":"Affiliates will get 100% rebate on trading fees for leveraged tokens for the users he/she invite.","rule6":"Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engages in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account link submissions to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purposes.","rule7":"Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event.","rules":"Event Rules","step1":"Submit a Youtube video or Twitter post to join this campaign. Multiple entries are allowed!","step2":"The Top 5 affiliates with the highest number of invited users will enjoy bonus rewards!","step3":"Affiliates will get 100% rebate on trading fees for leveraged tokens for the users he/she invites","submission":"Your submission has been reveived. All the best!","submit":"Submit","subtitle":"Leveraged Tokens Competition for Affiliates!","subtitleDesc1":"Climb up the Affiliate Leaderboard by inviting your community to trade Leveraged Tokens.","subtitleDesc2":"The more users who join via you, the more you earn!","title":"Leveraged Tokens League"},"export":{"label":{"dataExport":"Data Export","download":"Download","Export":"Export","exportNow":"Export Now","failed":"Failed","processing":"Processing","records":"Records","retry":"Export Again","successful":"Successful"},"tooltip":{"desc1":"Only settled commission records will be exported.","desc2":"The selected date range for the export is within a 1-year limit.","desc3":"Each user can perform a maximum of 10 exports daily.","desc4":"Exported files will be stored and accessible for up to 7 days.","processing":"This request may take approximately 3 to 5 minutes. Please check again later."}},"ExpressVip":{"depositedAmount":"*Only users whose Derivatives trading volume (taker) reaches $10,000,000 are eligible\n","desc1":"Grab 500 USDT for Every VIP User Referred\n","navtitle":"Express VIP Campaign\n","rulesContent1":"1. You will receive 500 USDT for each eligible VIP user you refer to Bybit.","rulesContent2":"2. An eligible VIP user is a new user who signs up on Bybit, participates in the Express VIP campaign, trades a min. of $10,000,000 (taker) on Bybit's Derivatives platform during the campaign period.","rulesContent3":"3. Your referred users must click on the \"Join Now\" button on the campaign page to confirm participation.","rulesContent4":"4. Your USDT reward will be credited on April 27, 2022.","rulesContent5":"5. For more information, please refer to Terms and Conditions on the campaign page.","rulesContent6":"6. All participating users must abide by Bybit Terms of Service.","rulesContent7":"7. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engage in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account registrations to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purpose."},"faq":{"desc":"Frequently Asked Questions","faq1":"How does the Bybit Affiliate Program work?","faq10":"How many people can I share my referral code with?","faq10ans":"There is no limit as to how many people you can share your referral code with.","faq11":"Where can I find the list of all my referrals?","faq11ans":"You can check the number of your referrals and related activity (volume, deposits, rebates) under the Clients page.","faq12":"Do you have creative materials to help me promote Bybit?","faq12ans":"You can find all promotional materials (banners, videos, marketing kit) under the Resources page.","faq1ans":"Bybit Affiliate Program provides lifetime commissions to our partners. \nCommissions are calculated in real-time, for users who sign up through our partner’s link and trade on Bybit. \nOur partners will gain access to a dedicated account manager who will help with marketing and technical support to help improve their conversions.","faq2":"How can I sign up for the Bybit Affiliate Program?","faq2ans":"Go to the affiliates.bybit.com and press the “Apply” button.
Fill in a quick questionnaire about yourself and your plans to promote Bybit.
Once our team evaluates your application and ensures you meet the criteria, your application will be approved!","faq3":"How can I qualify for this program?","faq3ans":"Bloggers, influencers, publishers, and content creators with a qualifying website, trading software or mobile app, as well as Bybit customers that have an extensive network of traders, can participate in the Bybit Affiliate Program.","faq4":"What does it cost to participate?","faq4ans":"There is no cost to participate in the Affiliate Program.","faq5":"Should I pass identity verification to participate in the Affiliate Program?","faq5ans":"You are not required to pass any ID verification.","faq6":"How can I earn with this program?","faq6ans":"Bybit will share part of the earnings generated from the trading fees of referrals' taker volume with our affiliates.","faq7":"When will I get paid?","faq7ans":"Commissions will be distributed daily by 4AM UTC","faq8":"Where can I view my affiliate earnings?","faq8ans":"Affiliate earnings can be viewed within your Bybit Affiliate Backend under the Commissions page. There you will be able to view all details regarding your earnings.","faq9":"How can I withdraw my earnings?","faq9ans":"After you log in, click on Withdraw on the top right corner of the dashboard.
Enter the amount that you would like to withdraw and click on Withdraw.
The amount will be instantly reflected on your Bybit trading account and you can proceed to withdraw your earnings.","title":"FAQ"},"feedback":{"confirm":"Confirm","founder":"— Ben Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Bybit","founderMessage":"“At Bybit, we listen, care and improve to innovate and revolutionize the industry by fusing the best of crypto and traditional finance for the benefit of our users. Our vision is to be the crypto ark of the world and with this, we welcome and appreciate any feedback you have for us to create a faster and fairer trading environment and bring the next level of trading to you.”","header":"We Value Your Feedback","introBody":"Have an idea to bring Bybit to the next level? We're always looking for ways to improve and your feedback is invaluable. \n\nTell us what you think, we can't wait to hear from you!","label":{"doneBtn":"Done ({x}s)","question1":"How satisfied are you with your account manager?","question2":"Have you been able to establish prompt and effective communication with your account manager?","question3":"Have your requests been acknowledged and resolved?","question4":"Do you have any additional feedback for your account manager?","satisfaction_title":"Affiliate Satisfaction Survey","subTitle":"Your Feedback Matters!","successfulDesc":"If you have any more feedback or suggestions, feel free to submit them by clicking on \"Feedback\" on the left side of the screen.","successfulTitle":"Thank You!"},"ok":"OK","questionExtremelyLikely":"Extremely likely","questionNeutral":"Neutral","questionNotLikelyAtAll":"Not likely at all","questionRecommend":"How likely are you to recommend Bybit to your friends or colleagues?","questionShareReason":"Please share the reasons for your rating. Tell us what you love about Bybit or what we can be better at.","questionShareReasonPlaceholder":"Leave your comments here.","questionShareReasonPlaceholderApp":null,"seeUpdatesText":"See Updates","subHeader":"Your Concerns, Our Priority.","submissionsLimitcontent":"You've made several submissions within a short timeframe. Please wait a few minutes before trying again .","submissionsLimitTitle":"Too many attempts!","submitText":"Submit","thank":"Thank you for your feedback","updateMessage":"We are constantly making improvements based on your feedback. Have a look at some of the updates we've made!","uploadAttachments":"Upload any attachments you may have (Optional)","uploadFormatAndLimit":"Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, png. Max file size: 5MB","uploadImageLimitTitle":"The file is too large to upload","uploadImageSizeLimit":"Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, png. 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","subtitle":"Enter your registered email to reset your password.","subtitle2":"Enter and confirm your new password.","title":"Reset Password","verificationCodeSentDesc":"Verification code has sent to"},"general":{"copied":"Copied","copy":"Copy","more":"More","no":"No","share":"Share to $platform","yes":"Yes"},"home":{"landingPage":{"AccountManager":"Account Manager","AccountServices":"1:1 Account Services","AffiliateProgram":"Boost your Earnings through Bybit’s Affiliate Program","Allapplications":"All applications will be reviewed within 24h.","Apply":"Apply","BeanAffiliate":"Be an Affiliate and stand to get invited to exciting networking events all around the world","BecominganAffiliateisEasy":"Becoming an Affiliate is Easy","BybitAffiliateBenefits":"Bybit Affiliate Benefits","BybitAffiliateCommission":"Bybit Affiliate Commission","BybitParties":"Bybit Parties for Affiliates, \nInstitutions and VIP Traders","Bybitstandsout":"Bybit stands out from other affiliate programs through the innovation of our affiliate exclusive portal to view earnings and new products, coupled with world class account services and a strong community. We aim to provide the first in class affiliate program in the industry.","Customizeandshare":"Customize and share your affiliate exclusive invitation link to friends and users.","Earn":"Earn","Earnup":"Earn up to 50% in commissions. Extra 10% if your user becomes an Affiliate, and more!","F1RedbullRacingVIPPasses":"F1 Redbull Racing VIP Passes","GlobalCryptoConferences":"Global Crypto Conferences","JoinAGrowingCommunity":"Join A Growing Community of Over 100,000 Affiliates","JoinNow":"Join Now","JoinOurAffiliateProgram":"Join Our Affiliate Program","JoinOurAffiliateProgramToday":"Join Our Affiliate Program Today!","Meetlike":"Meet like-minded and passionate professionals in the Crypto space to grow your influence!","Monetizeyourinfluence":"Monetize your influence. Grow through robust analytics.\nJoin a tight-knit community.","notonlyprovides":"Bybit's affiliate portal not only provides the latest insights to your earnings, it is an information hub for the latest campaigns, video & design assets on Bybit's latest products and more!","Ourexperiencedteam":"Our experienced team members are here to provide a comprehensive guide to the program and update you with timely promotions once you've joined! You will also be served by a dedicated 1-to-1 Account Manager","Paymentsarecalculatedandprocessed":"Payments are calculated and processed on a daily basis. We seek to complete payments to our affiliates as fast as possible.","Receivemonthly":"Receive monthly revenue for every user you bring into Bybit’s trading platform.","Share":"Share","TimelyCompensation":"Timely Compensation","to_apply":"It takes less than 5mins to apply!\nAll applications will be reviewed within 24h.","WeHelpYouGrowYourAudience":"We Help You Grow Your Audience","WorldClassAccountServices":"World Class Account Services","WorldwideNetworkingEvents":"Worldwide Networking Events"},"section1":{"btn1":"Start Earning Now","desc":"Use your voice to inspire financial success by becoming a Bybit Affiliate.","step1":"Step 1","step1desc":"Apply today to share the profits with Bybit on your client's trades.","step2":"Step 2","step2desc":"Bybit will review your application. Once approved, you’ll get a unique referral link to share with your audience.","step3":"Step 3","step3desc":"Promote your custom link in articles, social media, and other forms of content, and earn lifetime commissions on every new active client!","title":"Boost your earnings by introducing traders to Bybit"},"section2":{"benefit1":"Partner","benefit1desc":"Partner with the most reliable crypto exchange in the world.","benefit2":"Transparency","benefit2desc":"Transparent campaign tracking and reporting.","benefit3":"Compensation","benefit3desc":"Compensated in a cryptocurrency of your choice.","desc":"Bybit is looking for key opinion leaders (KOLs) and content creators who align with our mission and values to promote our trading platform.","title":"Bybit Affiliate Benefits"},"section3":{"data1":"+","data1label":"Influencer Partners","data2":"+ Countries","data2label":"Global Coverage","data3":"+ BTC","data3label":"Total Commission Paid","title":"Commission Rate Is More Than Two Times Higher Than Industry Standards"},"section4":{"btn1":"Apply Today","desc":"We are excited to partner with like-minded and creative individuals to spread the word about trustworthy, safe, and reliable trading.","title":"Become a {spanOpen}Bybit Affiliate{spanClose}"},"sectionEarn":{"desc":"Receive monthly recurring revenue share for every client you refer to Bybit","earn1Desc":"on Bybit’s profits from your clients’ trades","earn2Desc":"on what your Sub-Affiliates earn","title":"You’ll earn"}},"influencer":{"contentCreator":"Content Creator","developerOrTool":"Developer / Trading Tool","other":"Others","professionalAffiliateMarketer":"Professional Affiliate Marketer","socialMediaInfluencer":"Social Media Influencer","traderWithTradingCommunity":"Trader with Trading Community"},"jollyJamboree":{"campaignPeriod":"Campaign Period: Dec. 22, 2021 - Jan. 12, 2022","clients":"Client(s)","day":"Day(s)","depositedAmount":null,"desc1":"Earn 10 USDT for Every Client","desc2":"Who Completes Task 1 and Task 8","distributedDesc":"To be distributed on Jan. 25","earnTitle":"My Rewards","hour":"Hour(s)","link":"Share my Affiliate Link:","min":"Min(s)","rulesContent1-1":" - 5 USDT per qualified user who completes Task 1","rulesContent1-2":" - 5 USDT per qualified user who completes Task 8","rulesContent10":"10. 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Let us know how we can reach you faster!","content":"Our affiliate manager will reach out to you within three (3) to five (5) working days. If you have any inquiries, please contact us at ib@bybit.com.","finish":"Thanks! We'll reach out to you soon.","phone-no":["Mobile Number"],"press-enter":"Or Press Enter","thank-you":"Thank You!","username":"Username"},"social":{"discord-link":"Discord Group Link","facebook-link":"Facebook Profile Link","instagram-link":"Instagram Profile Link","other-social-link":"Other social channels/websites/etc.","social-err":"Please enter at least one social channel.","telegram-link":"Telegram Group Link","twitch-link":"Twitch Profile Link","twitter-link":"Twitter Profile Link","twitter-link-new":"X Profile Link","youtube-link":"YouTube Channel Link"},"sub-title":"Monetize your influence with the world's leading crypto affiliate community.","title":"Become a Bybit Affiliate"},"olderror":{"_20001":"API error. 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","product_tit":"Which Bybit products would you like to promote?","product_trade_gpt":"TradeGPT","product_trade_gpt_tip":"AI-powered trading tool providing real-time market data and analysis to inform strategic decision-making.","product_trading_bots":"Trading Bots","product_trading_bots_tip":"Automated crypto trading with pre-configured, code-free bots","product_web_3":"Bybit Web3","product_web_3_tip":"Easy access to DeFi services","product_wsot":"WSOT","product_wsot_tip":"WSOT is the world's largest crypto trading competition.","sign_up":{"custom_code_tit":"Customize Your Referral Code","r_tip":"To become your customer, the trader must sign up with your referral code. Spread the word on your social channels!","selected":"Selected","tit":"How would you like your profile to look?"},"sign_up_tip_1":"You are setting your profile language to English. ","sign_up_tip_2":"To update your profile or change the language, go to {Promotion Tools} > {My Sign-up Page}."}},"other":{"academy":"Academy","add_to_calendar":"Add to Calendar","add_to_calendar_display_1":"Local Calendar (.ics)","add_to_calendar_display_2":"Google Calendar","add_to_calendar_display_3":"Office 365","add_to_calendar_display_4":"Outlook","add_to_calendar_display_5":"Yahoo! 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Please use another one.","code_error_2":"This short link already exists. Please edit and try again.","code_error_3":"Destination link must be within the Bybit domain.","code_tip_got_it":"Got it","code_work_tip":"How do Referral Codes Work?","confirmation":"Confirmation","create":"Create","create_code_desc_1":"A user will become your affilaited user when they sign-up using your referral code. 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You may contact your BD to expedite the approval process.","audit_tit":"Under Review","basic":"Basic: Your Profile","benefit":"$$30,000 Deposit Blast-off Bonus","desc1":"Your default referral link","desc2":"will bring users to your personalised sign-up page where you can showcase exclusive benefits with your audiences","signature":{"content":"Join me on Bybit!"},"submit":"Submit","tit":"Custom Sign-Up Page","upload":"Upload"},"inspiration_1":"Example 1","inspiration_2":"Example 2","inspiration1":{"content1":"$$30,000 Deposit Blast-off Bonus","content2":"Free entry to my private Discord","content3":"Monthly giveaways of iPhone 13 to 1 lucky user under me","signature":"Trade with the pros, earn rewards, prizes and bonuses!"},"inspiration2":{"content1":"Deposit Blast Off - Deposit and win up to 30k bonus reward!","content2":"Spring Copy Trading Party - By joining this event, you can share a prize pool of 98,000 USDT and BLT tokens with other traders!","content3":"Futures Grid Bots - In this event, you can stand a chance to win a share of the 100,000 USDT prize pool by using Bybit's Grid Trading feature!","signature":"Exclusive Rewards Up For Grabs!"},"preview":{"benifit":"Exclusive Gifts","email":"Email","inspirations":"💡 View inspirations","page":"Preview Your Page","password":"Set Password","sign_up":"Sign Up"},"your_page":"Your Page"}},"signUpPage":{"ApplicableLanguage":"Language","boldTip":"Tip: Use Cmd/Ctrl + B to bold the points you would like to highlight, emphasizing them for greater impact and visibility.","ClicktoUpload":"Click to Upload","editDetails":"Edit","editProfile":"Edit","EventHighlight":"Featured Event(s)","events":"The events you've selected will be featured on your profile page to attract and engage your users.","fieldIsNull":"This field cannot be left blank.","headImgExceedlimit":"Image size must be smaller than 2MB.","headImgSizeTip":"Recommended image resolution: 500 * 500 px","headImgTypeTip":"Recommended format: .jpg, .png","leaveBtn":"Leave Anyway","leaveContent":"Your changes will not be saved.","Maximum150":"Cannot exceed the maximum of 150 characters.","MySignature":"About Me","profile":"My Profile","ProfilePhoto":"Profile Photo","prompt":"Choose up to five (5) events to highlight for users, showcasing the benefits of joining your Affiliate community.","Remove":"Remove","Signature":"Please fill in a brief tagline that introduces yourself and inspires users to join your Affiliate community. This description will be displayed below your profile name.","signUpMigration":"To customize your Sign Up page, please go to {link} > {link}","status":"Status","sureToLeave-":"Are you sure you want to leave this page?","ViewCurrentSignUpPage":"View My Profile","yourProfile":"Your profile page will only be available in selected languages. Please ensure that you provide your profile details in each of the selected languages."},"social":{"affiliateNetworks":"Affiliate Networks","blogs":"Blogs","contentSites":"Content Sites","discord":"Discord","facebook":"Facebook","forums":"Forums","instagram":"Instagram","kakaoTalk":"KakaoTalk","line":"Line","linkedin":"Linkedin","odnoklassniki":"Odnoklassniki","other":"Others","phone":"Phone","rutube":"Rutube","searchEngineMarketing":"Search Engine Marketing (SEM)","telegram":"Telegram","twitch":"Twitch","twitter":"Twitter","vk":"VK","website":"Website","whatsapp":"WhatsApp","youtube":"YouTube"},"success":{"messageSent":"We have received your message."},"table":{"btnSearch":"Search","goTo":"Go to $page","group_name":"Group Name","iptEndDate":"End Date","iptStartDate":"Start Date","page":"Page","remarks":"Remarks","tblColAcquiredFTD":"FTDs Acquired","tblColAcquiredNet":"Acquired Network","tblColAcquiredSignedUp":"Sign-Ups Acquired","tblColAction":"Action","tblColBeAff":"Became Affiliate","tblColCampaign":"Campaign","tblColClick":"Clicks","tblColClient":"Clients","tblColCoin":"Coin","tblColCom":"Your Commissions","tblColCommissions":"My Commissions","tblColComRate":"Commissions Rate","tblColContract":"Contract","tblColCountry":"Country","tblColCreated":"Created","tblColDateDrawn":"Date Drawn","tblColDeposit":"Deposits","tblColDeposited":"First-Time Deposited","tblColDepositedAmount":"Deposited Amount","tblColEarning":"Your Earnings","tblColId":"ID","tblColInterest":"Interest","tblColJoine":"Date Joined","tblColJoined":"Joined Bybit","tblColNameAID":"Parent Affiliate ID & Name","tblColNetworkDep":"Network's Deposits","tblColPairs":"Trading Pairs","tblColProduct":"Product","tblColRequestOn":"Requested Time","tblColRichCommission":"Settled Commissions (Pending Commissons)","tblColSignedUp":"Signed Up","tblColSource":"Source","tblColSourceType":"Source Type","tblColStatus":"Status","tblColSubAff":"Sub-Affiliates","tblColSubLevel":"Sub-Affiliate Level","tblColSubLevelTip":"The number indicates which level your sub-affiliates are located. For example, your direct sub-affiliates are +1, and their sub-affiliates are +2.","tblColTaker":"Taker Volume","tblColTotalTradingVolume":"Total Trading Volume","tblColTradingPairs":"Trading Pairs","tblColVolume":"Network Trading Volume (Maker/Taker)","tblColVolumeMaker":"Trading Volume (Maker)","tblColVolumeTaker":"Trading Volume (Taker)","tblColYou":"You","tblDataDeposited":"Deposited","tblDataSignedUp":"signed up","total":"Total $count entries","viewAll":"View All"},"template":{"_980001":"Subject Title: Google 2FA Successfully Enabled for Your Affiliate AccountMessage: Dear {{affiliate_name}},We hope this email finds you well. We would like to extend our gratitude for taking the initiative to enhance the security of your affiliate account. We are writing to confirm that the Google Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature has been successfully enabled for your account.If you encounter any issues, have questions, or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Account Manager. We are here to help ensure a seamless and secure experience for you.Once again, thank you for prioritizing the security of your affiliate account.Best Regards,Bybit Partnership Team","_980002":"Subject Title: Google 2FA Disabled for Your Affiliate Account\n\nMessage: \nDear {{affiliate_name}},\n\nWe hope this email finds you well. We wanted to bring to your attention that the Google Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature has been disabled for your affiliate account. \n\nIf you initiated this change, no further action is required on your part. However, if you did not authorize this change or have any concerns, please contact your Account Manager immediately. We take the security of your account seriously, and we are here to assist you in any way we can.\n\nThank you for your attention to this matter.\n\nBest Regards,\nBybit Partnership Team","_980003":"Subject Title: Successful Reset of Google Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)\n\nMessage: \nDear {{affiliate_name}},\n\nWe hope this email finds you well. We wanted to inform you that the Google Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your affiliate account has been successfully reset.\n\nIf you initiated this change, no further action is required on your part. However, if you did not authorize this change or have any concerns, please contact your Account Manager immediately. We take the security of your account seriously, and we are here to assist you in any way we can.\n\nThank you for your attention to this matter.\n\nBest Regards,\nBybit Partnership Team","_980004":"Subject Title: Password Change Confirmation for Your Affiliate Account\n\nMessage:\nDear {{affiliate_name}},\n\nThis is to notify you that the password for your affiliate account has been successfully changed. Your account security is of utmost importance to us, and we appreciate your proactive approach to maintaining it.\n\nIf you initiated this change, no further action is required on your part. However, if you did not authorize this password change or have any concerns, please contact your Account Manager immediately.\n\nThank you for your attention to this matter, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.\n\nBest Regards,\nBybit Partnership Team","_980005":"Subject Title: Email Change Confirmation for Your Affiliate Account\n\nMessage:\nDear {{affiliate_name}},\n\nWe wanted to inform you that the email address associated with your affiliate account has been successfully changed. Your account security is a top priority for us, and we appreciate your diligence in managing it.\n\nIf you initiated this change, no further action is required on your part. However, if you did not authorize this email change or have any concerns, please contact your Account Manager immediately.\n\nThank you for your attention to this matter, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.\n\nBest Regards,\nBybit Partnership Team"},"TokenBundle":{"acquireNewUsers":"Acquire New Users","add AnotherToken":"Add Another Token","allUsersWho":"Get new users sign up via your Token Bundle link.","amounttoPurchase":"Amount to Purchase","attractiveIncentives":"Attractive Incentives","back":"Back","benefits":"Benefits","BenefitsDescription":"Benefit Description","bundleBreakdown":"Token Bundle Breakdown","bundleChanges":"Your changes have been saved.","bundleCreated":"Bundle created successfully.","bundleDeleted":"Bundle deleted successfully.","bundleDescription":"Bundle Description (Optional)","bundleHistoricalPricePerformance":"Token Bundle Historical Price Performance","bundleInfoError":"Bundle Information Error","bundleLastUpdated:":"Token Bundle Last Updated:","bundleMetrics":"Token Bundle Metrics","bundleName":"Bundle Name","bundleNotFound":"Bundle Not Found","bundleVersionError":"Bundle Version Mismatch","buyAgain":"Buy Again","buying":"Buying","buywithFiat":"Buy with Fiat","buyWithFiatUnsuccessful":"Buy with Fiat Unsuccessful","buyWithFiatUnsuccessfulDesc":"We encountered an error processing your order.\nPlease try again.","buywithSpotBalance":"Buy with Spot Balance","BybitSavings":"Bybit Savings","byYourOwnClients":"The total purchase amount that users have spent on your bundle. Do note that you will only recieve commissions only when a purchase is made.","cancel":"Cancel","checkOut ":"Check out our other Bybit products!","choosePaymentMethod":"Choose Payment Method","comboDesc":"Optional description set by KOL","confirm":"Confirm","ContentLanguageSelection":"Language Selection","continue":"Continue","createBundle":"Create Bundle","createNewBundle":"Create New Bundle","creditedToYou":"You will be updated below as your tokens are being credited to you:","creditingAssets":"Crediting Assets...","customize1":"Customize your very own Token Bundle!","customize2":"Launch your Token Bundles in Bybit's platform for trading.","customize3":"Promote your curated Token Bundle to your community and share it with the world!","customizeAffiliateProfile":"Customize Affiliate Profile","customizeBundle":"Customize Token Bundle","day":"Day","days":"Days","delete":"Delete","deleteBundle":"Delete","deletedBundle":"{name} has deleted this Token Bundle.","deletedBundleDesc":"You may contact {name} using the social links below to find out more.","deleteThisTokenBundle":"Are you sure you want to delete this Token Bundle?","disclaimer":"Disclaimer","disclaimerDesc":"This proposed group of tokens as a “Bundle” is provided to you by the issuer of their latest preferred digital asset bundles for convenience purposes only. You should not rely on the Bundle as any form of investment or financial advice. You should carefully consider your financial position. The Bundle may not be reflective nor indicative of the actual positions of the issuer. Nor is it representative of any past, present or future performances of the digital assets within the Bundle. If you are uncertain about the performance, you should seek independent and professional financial advice.","disclaimerText":"This proposed group of tokens as a “Bundle” is provided to you by the issuer of their latest preferred digital asset bundles for convenience purposes only. You should not rely on the Bundle as any form of investment or financial advice. You should carefully consider your financial position. The Bundle may not be reflective nor indicative of the actual positions of the issuer. Nor is it representative of any past, present or future performances of the digital assets within the Bundle. If you are uncertain about the performance, you should seek independent and professional financial advice.","dontSave":"Don’t Save","dontShow":"Don't Show","earnCommissions":"Earn commissions whenever your community trades.","editBundle":"Edit","editProfile":"Edit Profile","enterAmountToInvest":"Enter Amount to Invest","FAQ":"Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)","FAQ_1":"1. What Is a Token Bundle?","FAQ_2":"2. Where can I view my purchased Token Bundle?","FAQ_3":"3. How can I sell what I purchased?","FAQ_4":"4. Are there any extra fees incurred from purchasing a Token Bundle?","FAQ_Desc_1":"A Token Bundle is a curated list of tokens created by an affiliate. They represent an affiliate's recommended list of tokens that he/she would like to share with his/her community.","FAQ_Desc_2":"Purchased tokens can be viewed under your Spot assets page on a per token type basis.","FAQ_Desc_3":"You can choose to sell your purchased tokens at any time via Spot orders. This is similar to how you would usually conduct a normal sell transaction on Spot.","FAQ_Desc_4":"Token Bundle purchases are transacted via Spot market order. You will not incur any additional cost on top of the standard costs that come with Spot market orders.","followNum":"{num} People have bought this bundle","getStarted":"Get Started!","informationWill":"Detailed information will be provided once your bundle has been saved.","InsufficientBalance":"Insufficient Balance","introduce":"Numerical performance below is based on the aggregation of each token’s historical price movement, proportionate to their percentage composition within the bundle.","logintobuywithSpotAccountBalance":"Login to buy with Spot Account Value","minimum":"Minimum","minimumPercentage":"Minimum percentage per token has to be ≥5%","minUSDT":"Min.{num} USDT","moduleName":"Token Bundle","monitorHowYourBundles":"Monitor how your Token Bundles are performing against real-time metrics.","moreAboutYourself":"Tell us more about yourself!","moreThan5Minutes":"This process will take no more than 5 minutes.","navigatingAway":"You are navigating away from this page.","newBundle":"New Bundle","NewBundle":"New Bundle","noCardAdded":"No card added. Add new card","notice":"Notice","numericalPerformance":"Numerical performance is based on the aggregation of each token’s historical price movement, proportionate to their percentage composition within the Token Bundle.","ofViews":"No. of Views","onceItIsDeleted":"Users will no longer be able to purchase this Token Bundle once it is deleted.","One or more tokens":"One or more tokens in this Token Bundle is no longer tradable. Your purchase of this bundle will automatically exclude non-tradable tokens.","orderBack":"Go Back","orderConfirm":"Confirm ({num}s)","orderFailed":"Order Failed","orderFailTips":"We were unable to purchase the following tokens due to an error. You have not been charged for them:","orderNoFound":"We were unable to place your order.","orderNotFound":"Order Not Found","orderReceive":"Receive","orderTotalPaid":"Total Paid","parameterError":"Parameter Error","past":"Past","pastDay":"Past day","pastMonth":"Past month","pastWeek":"Past week","paymentMethod":"Payment Method","paymentOptions":"Payment Options","paymentWithSpot":"Log in to buy with Spot Account Value (USDT)","payWith":"Payment Method","payWithCreditCard":"Pay with Credit Card","payWithNewCard":"Pay with a new card","payWithSpotBalance":"Pay with Spot Balance","peoplehaveboughtthisbundle":"people bought this bundle","percentage":"Percentage (%)","percentageRemaining:":"Percentage Remaining:","performance":"Performance","PersonalSignature":"Signature","pleaseAdjust":"Please adjust the percentage so that the Token Bundle weightage adds up to 100%.","PleaseCheck":"Please check that the link you have clicked is correct. There may also be an issue with your connection.","proceedToTokenBundle":"Proceed to Token Bundle","processingOrder":"Processing Order","processingOrderTips":"We will notify you about the result via SMS or email. You may continue to wait or return to the homepage to make another purchase.","profileCreated":"Profile created successfully.","profileDescription":"Profile Description (Optional)","profileImage":"Please upload a profile image to continue.","profileName":"Profile Name","purchase":"Purchase","purchaseBundle":"Purchase Bundle","purchaseByApp":"Purchase on Bybit App","purchaseFail":"Purchase Failed","purchaseonBybitApp":"Purchase on Bybit App","purchaseSuccessTitle":"These Bybit features may interest you:","purchaseTips":"The actual price depends on market price at the time of the transaction.","purchaseTokenBundle":"Purchase Token Bundle","receive":"Receive:","rechargeFailed":"Deposit Failed","save":"Save","saveChanges":"Save Changes","saveChangesBeforeClosing":"Save Changes Before Closing?","saveExit":"Save & Exit","SaveImage":"Save Image","savings":"Bybit Savings","scanTheQR":"Scan the QR code to purchase the Token Bundle!","selectTimeFrameToBeDisplayed":"Select timeframe to be displayed:","selectToken":"Select Token","shareBundle":"Share Token Bundle","SharingLink":"Sharing Link","signUps":"No. of Sign-Ups","socials":"Socials","spotBalance":"Spot Balance","startCreating":"Start creating your own Token Bundle by","startCreating_1":"1. Creating an official name for your Token Bundle","startCreating_2":"2. Selecting at least one token from the dropdown list","startCreating_3":"3. Adding a percentage weightage to each token","startCreating_4":"4. Save your Token Bundle!","summary":"Summary","systemException":"System Error","TheActual":"The actual exchange rate will depend on market prices at the time of the transaction.","theNumberOfUsers":"The number of users who have signed up via your token bundle link.","theNumberOfViews":"The number of views your bundle has gotten.","thisTokenBundlehasbeendeletedbyitscreator":"This Token Bundle has been deleted by its creator. You may contact them via any of the displayed social channels to find out more.","tokenbundles":"Token Bundles can only be created after an affiliate profile has been set-up. You can have up to 20 bundles created at any time.","tokens":"Token(s)","tokenUnTradable":"One or more tokens below is no longer tradable. You may still purchase tokens that are not affected.","totalPurchaseAmount":"Total Purchase Amount (USDT)","trackYourPerformance":"Track Your Performance","tradeWith":"Trade with","tradingBot":"Trading Bot","transferFailed":"Transfer Failed","unableToFindTokenBundle":"Unable to find Token Bundle","unFindBundle":"Unable to find Token Bundle","unFindBundleDesc":"Please check that the URL you have entered is correct.\nThere may also be an issue with your connection.","updatesBeforeLeaving":"Do you want to save your updates before leaving?","updateTime":"Bundle Last Updated: {time}","valueUSDT":"Value (USDT)","viewAssets":"View Assets","viewBundleOnWeb":"Preview","viewLess":"View Less","viewMore":"View More","viewTokenBundles":"View Token Bundles","weEncountered":"We encountered an error while processing your order. Please try again.","weWereUnable":"We were unable to purchase the following tokens due to an error:","whatIsACoinBundle":"What Is a Token Bundle?","with":"With","writeADescription":"Write a description for this Token Bundle","yourAffiliateProfile":"This is a public profile which will be showcased on Bybit's Trading Platform and has to be created before creating a Token Bundle.","yourAssetsHaveBeenCredited":"Your Assets have been credited!","youReceived":"You received:"},"UsdcLaunch":{"navtitle":"USDC Mega Launch Campaign","PageSubTitle":"who completes USDC Trading Challenge","PageTitle":"Earn $5 USDC for Every Client ","rulesContent1":"1. You will receive 5 USDC for every eligible client who participates and completes USDC Trading Challenge (Trade $5,000 USDC in Spot OR Trade $20,000 in Contract) in USDC Mega Launch Campaign.\n\n","rulesContent2":"2. Clients MUST CLICK ON \"Register Now\" button at the campaign page to officially participate.\n","rulesContent3":"3. Rewards will be counted and distributed on 25th April 2022.\n","rulesContent4":"4. Please refer to Campaign Terms and Conditions page for full details. [https://www.bybit.com/promo/option-campaign/usdc-perpetual-launch-130000usdc-bonus/]\n","rulesContent5":"5. All participating users must abide by Bybit Terms of Service.","rulesContent6":"6. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engage in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account registrations to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purpose.\n","rulesContent7":"7. Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event."},"wallet":{"all":"All","amount":"Amount","available":"Available","btnHistory":"History","btnWithdraw":"Withdraw","chooseCoin":"Choose Coin","currency":"Currency","date":"Date","min":"Min $amount","widgetTitle":"Your Withdrawable Earnings","withdrawal":"Withdraw","withdrawHistory":"Withdrawal History"},"wsot":{"campaign_end":"This campaign has ended and winners will be announced shortly.","campaign_end_v2":"Thank you for your support!"},"Wsot":{"categories":"There are 4 categories to the campaign:","depositedAmount":"The first 300 submissions will receive a $100 bonus!\n","desc1":"Be the Star of WSOT 2022","desc2":"and Win Up to $10,000","enterlinkhere":"Enter your content link here","event1":"Event 1","event1text":"Highest Views","event2":"Event 2","event2text":"Highest Likes","event3":"Event 3","event3text":"Biggest WSOT Team size","event4":"Event 4","event4text":"Most Creative","highestLikes":"Highest Likes","highestViews":"Highest Views","linkSubmission":"Your submission has been received. All the best!","mostCreative":"Most Creative","navtitle":"WSOT 2022 Affiliates Campaign","ranking":"Ranking","rulesContent1":"1. There are 40 unique winners in the event, having 10 winners under each category.","rulesContent1_1":"Each winner receives a reward based on ranking.","rulesContent2":"2. First 300 Affiliates who submit WSOT Promotion videos/tweets will receive $100. ","rulesContent2_1":"Minimum likes to qualify : 50 likes","rulesContent3":"3. Rewards will be counted and distributed by 15th August 2022.","rulesContent4":"4. If an affiliate is Top 10 in two or more event categories, he will only be a qualified winner in one of the events. ","rulesContent5":"5. The winner of Event 3 will receive a “WSOT Star Award” Trophy. ","rulesContent6":"6. Only the affiliates who submit content links are considered qualified participants in the events. ","rulesContent7":"7. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any user who engages in dishonest or abusive activities during the campaign, including bulk-account link submissions to farm additional rewards and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purposes.","rulesContent8":"8. Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event.","star":"[Star]","teamsize":"Biggest WSOT Team size","trophy":"Trophy","tweet":"[Tweet]","video":"[Video]"},"xerror":{"_10000":"Server Error","_10001":"Failed to connect to gRPC service","_10006":"Exceeded Daily Visit Limit ","_20001":"Parameter error","_20002":"Frequent operations, please try again later","_20003":"UID belongs to a registered user","_20004":"Email format error","_20005":"Email is registered","_20006":"Email is under review","_20007":"Error in information provided","_20008":"Parent affiliate ID cannot be used","_20009":"Email verification code error","_20010":"Old password is wrong","_20014":"google2fa error","_20015":"Under the same agent, there cannot be a group with the same name.","_20016":"Only a maximum of 5 links can be created!","_20017":"Only one short link can be created every 24 hours","_20018":"Sub-accounts cannot be registered as Affiliate","_20019":"The long link domain must be bybit","_20020":"Short link format error","_20030":"The short link is duplicated or has been used by someone else","_20031":"The custom word format is wrong and can only be composed of numbers, letters, and underscores.","_20060":"Input URL should not contain 'zh-CN'.","_20061":"Withdrawal is blocked","_20062":"Email does not match, Netherlands email registration is prohibited","_20120":"brokerId does not match UID","_30100":"The login status is invalid or there is no login status"},"xxerror":{"_30101":"No access permission"}},"children":["$","$Le",null,{"env":"production","children":["$","$L5",null,{"parallelRouterKey":"children","segmentPath":["children","$6","children"],"error":"$undefined","errorStyles":"$undefined","errorScripts":"$undefined","template":["$","$L7",null,{}],"templateStyles":"$undefined","templateScripts":"$undefined","notFound":"$undefined","notFoundStyles":"$undefined"}]}]}]